Last date for receiving papers is October 31st, 2024

Maniben Nanavati Women’s College
Smt. Kantaben Shah Research Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies Publication
Affiliated to SNDT Women’s University
ISSN- 2229-385X
Since 2006
International Multidisciplinary, Multilingual Peer Reviewed Annual Journal
Web link:
About the Institution
Bhagini Seva Mandir Kumarika Stree Mandal started Nootan Mahila College in the Arts stream in June 1972. In June 1976, following the pattern of the (10+2+3) educational system, Junior College was started.
Shree Chandulal Nanavati Women’s Institute and Girl’s High School Trust took over the management of Nootan Mahila College in 1978. The college received permanent affiliated to S.N.D.T University in 1979. The Senior college renamed as Maniben Nanavati Women’s College. The Junior College was renamed as Tapiben Chhaganlal Lalji Valia Junior college.
About the Journal
Research Horizons, earlier known as ANVESHAN started in 2001 as an In–House publication in order to promote and enhance research activities and skills among the faculty members of Maniben Nanavati Women’s College. Since then, the journal is multidisciplinary and multilingual in nature and it has been published consecutively, every year. Soon after its inception, it attained wide acceptance and popularity among the faculty members, research scholars and experts of the SNDT, Mumbai and other Universities. In 2006, the journal was re-christened as RESEARCH HORIZONS, and it also acquired an official registration number from the concerned authorities. In 2010, the journal acquired an ISSN status. It is a matter of great pride and privilege for our institution to be the first among all the affiliated and conducted colleges of the SNDT Women’s University to publish a research journal of its own. In 2012, The initiative of upgrading the journal and making it an international publication was done. It is indeed a matter of great honor for us to present RESEARCH HORIZONS as an International Multidisciplinary, Multilingual, Annual Peer Reviewed Journal. It is now published under Smt. Kantaben Shah Research Centre.