Elementor #6309

ISSN 2229-385X
SR. NO. 2
NOV. 2018
by NAAC with
'A' Grade
A Multi-disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Annual Publication By :
Website : mnwc-sndt.org / www.mnwc-sndt.com
For Research Papers : [email protected]
Now Indexed in
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: The views and opinions presented in the research
papers/articles published in Research Horizons are solely attributable to
the authors of the respective contributions. If these are contradictory to
any particular person or entity, Research Horizons shall not be liable for
the present opinions, inadequacy of the information, and any mistake or
All correspondence relating to circulation can be addressed to
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2229-385X
SR. NO. 2, VOL. 8, NOVEMBER 2018
Dr. Harshada Rathod
Prof. Vibhuti Patel
Prof. Sitanshu Yashaschandra
Dr. Poornima Madhavan
Dr. Anita Kapoor
Dr. Rupalee Burke
Prof. Justin Paul
Prof. Kaushalnath Upadhyay
Penn Kemp
Dr. Saoko Funada
Editorial Review Board
Dr. Usha Upadhyay
Dr. Pawan Agarwal
Dr. Swati Partani - Executive Editor
Dr. Sejal Shah - Member
Dr. Ravindra Katyayan - Member
Dr. Jayshree Palit - Member
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
From The Desk of The Principal
Teachers, Research and Extension work are three important functions of an educational
institution, where knowledge is disseminated to students. Research creates new knowledge,
new principles and new theories. The most successful companies in the world are those that
invest in research and development, why should it be any different in the field of education?
We took a small step in the year 2001, when we first started our inhouse academic journal
'Anveshan'. In endeavour to reach out to more teachers and encourage serious research. We
took a big step forward that of officially registering 'Anveshan' as “Research Horizons”. Research
Horizons aims at providing a much wider platform for the teachers to publish their research
papers, articles, book reviews, and creative writing. In the journey we gradually have ahead with
ISSN number, than International multilingual multidisciplinary peer review journal with national
and international advisory members, including subject expert and later on with impact factor and
EBSCO database. During the journey invited articles from only from SNDT University's affiliated
colleges but also with affiliated colleges of Mumbai University and colleges of Gujarat,
Maharashtra and international level writers too. We had publications of papers presented at
International Conference to be held at China and Indonesia.
We were having publication of articles in the areas of humanities, social sciences and
commerce, till volume - 7 Sept. 2017. With the great demand from the writers. We have ahead to
registered separate volume of 'Research Horizons' with ISSN, for the Humanities. Happy to
place before you volume of Research Horizon and No-1 publication of articles exclusive for
humanities now in a true sense 'Research Horizons' be proved as a wider horizon with separate
publication. We proudly state that ours is the only the unique institution having two research
publication in a year. This proves that institute has a strong research culture and teachers been
cultivated research aptitude. Now research can have the strongest pillar of higher education
We extend our gratitude towards the research paper contributors, our panel of experts,
senior editor, editorial and advisory board and managing editorial team. We congratulate the
contributors of papers/articles for passing through the test of editorial review board.
We are thankful to Shri Chandrasen Merchant for generously supporting us financially for
last fifteen years. Without this moral support and active encouragement it would not be possible
for our team to trying out such an intellectually enriching publication. We especially thanks our
Managing Trustees and other members for being constant source of motivation for us.
Dear Researchers, start preparing your research papers for the next year and submit
them to us by 15th April 2019.
With warm regards
Yours truly,
Dr. Harshada Rathod (Principal)
Chief Editor (Research Horizons)
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
From Senior Editor’s Desk
Dear Reader,
Increasing acceptability of Research Horizons is heartening. Wide range of
thematic areas of received research papers for publication indicates success of
our collective endeavour. Contribution of write-ups have been received from all
disciplines in humanities and social sciences, language and literature, commerce
and management, home sciences, resource management and women's studies.
They are based on original work, academic rigour and relevant suggestions from
peer reviewers. In this issue there is a fine balance of empirical and theoretically
sound articles, literary critiques, macro-level trend analysis and micro level
studies with critical reflection. All of them provide food for thought. Hope the
similiar tempo continues in the future also. Impact factor of Research Horizons
has enhanced its academic credibility in the knowledge society. We request you to
popularize this highly acclaimed annual publication, an outcome of intellectual
benefits derived from rich expertise of Nationally and internationally renowned
academicians who are on our Advisory Committee. We extend our heartfelt
thanks to all contributors and peer-reviewers for their dedicated services for
successful publication of Research Horizons, 2018.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Vibhuti Patel
Senior Editor (Research Horizons)
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
The Editorial Board
Chief Editor
Harshada Rathod, Principal and Head, Dept. of
Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Mumbai. She is the recipient of
the Best Teacher Award from the State of Maharashtra in the year
2003-04. She has completed a Minor and a Major Research Project
funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC). She has
presented more than 80 papers at the national level and about 10
papers at the international level. She has authored more than 90
research articles in various journals and 21 research publications in
the edited books. She has presented research papers at
Australia,Srilanka, Mauritius and Indonesia. She is a research guide
for the Ph. D students in the subject of Economics. She is the
Member of the Senate, and member of standing committee at SNDT
Women's University, Member of Sexual Herassment Cell and Ethic
Committee at Balabhai Nanavati Hospital.
Senior Editor
Dr. Vibhuti Patel is Professor, Advanced Centre for Women's Studies,
School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences,
Mumbai. She retired as Professor and Head of Economics Department
of SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. Her areas of specialisation have
been Gender Economics, Women's Studies, Human Rights, Social
movements and Gender Budgeting. She has authored Women's
Challenges of the New Millennium (2002), co-authored Reaching for
Half the Sky (1985), Indian Women Change and Challenge (1985) and
Status Report for ICSSR- Critical Evaluation of Women's Studies
Researches during 1947-1988 (1989). She is co-editor of series of 15
volumes- Empowering Women Worldwide. She has edited 2 books
namely Discourse on Women and Empowerment (2009) and Girls
and Girlhoods at the Threshold of Youth and Gender (2010). She
has been a member of Expert Committee for School of Gender and
Development Studies as well as School of Extension Education of
IGNOU, Ministry of Science &Technology, Government of India and
National Council of Education, Research and Training NCERT (Delhi)
during 2005-2012. She prepared base paper on Gender for Mumbai
Human Development Report, 2009 and on “Socioeconomics Status of
Muslims in Maharashtra” for Maharashtra State Minority Commission,
Government of Maharashtra, 2013. She has submitted base paper on
Gender for Human Development Report of Mumbai Metropolitan
Region commission by Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development
Authority, Mumbai. For UGC e pg-pathshala, She has contributed 9
modules for paper on “Women and Economics” for MA in Women's
Studies and 7 modules for “Women's Studies” in MA in Adult and
Continuing Education.
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
The Editorial Board
Dear Reader,
“For if it wasn't for research, the world would not
Research Horizons began its journey as “Anveshan”
from 2002 to 2006 and later got its ISSN number and new
nomenclature in 2007 as “Research Horizons.” This
issue is the second part of the biannual publication of
Research Horizons, which was an annual publication till
2016. Contributors from multiple disciplines reflect the
diversity of the journal. Uptil now, Research Horizons has
been a platform to encourage and display the research
rigour of the in-house faculty as well as contribution from
other researchers. This particular issue also includes
papers from the International Conference organized at
MNWC. With growing digitalization Research Horizons
has taken a giant leap towards the future. After 16 years,
this journal is stepping forth into the online world. After a
successful journey of so many years, it will be for the very
first time that readers will be able to access Research
Horizons from anywhere around the world. Research
Horizons is listed with International Database EBSCO
and now in process of getting indexed in the Indian
Citation Index.
Over the years, Research Horizons has been steadily
growing in form, scope and reach. As Research Horizons
expand its wings with each passing issue, we hope that
our next issue will be embellished by an even wider range
of authors and their critical endeavors.
Yours Truly,
Dr. Swati Partani,
Executive Editor (Research Horizons)
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. Poornima Madhavan (USA) is Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Old Dominion
University(ODU) where she also holds affliated faculty positions in the Virginia Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation Centre (VMASC), the Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Initiative
(CCSLRI), the Homeland Security Research Group and Vision Lab. Currently, she is also
the Director of the Undergraduate Research Program within the Honours College at ODU.
She received her Ph.D in Human Factors (Engineering Psychology) from the Aviation Human
Factors Division at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. She was a Post Doctoral
Fellow at Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University. She has several
publications in the form of books, book chapters and research articles. She has been awarded
for her achievements by American Psychological Association, US Dept. of Homeland Security,
South Eastern Psychological Association and others.
Prof. Justin Paul (USA) is currently a faculty member in University of Washington, Foster
School of Business. He has authored several books including Business Environment,
International Marketing, Exim Management and others published by Oxford University Press.
His case studies and articles have been published by Harvard Business School, Ivey Business
School and by leading newspapers of USA.
Prof. Alice Clark
(USA) is Instructor, The Culture of India - Roots of Tradition and Change - UCB -
Extension Online, University of California. Her areas of teaching expertise include the culture of India,
International human rights, world history-ancient and modern, modern South Asian History, women and
development and cross cultural communication. She has several publications to her credit and is
professionally connected to Association for Asian Studies and Population Association of America.
Dr. Jaya Earnest (Australia) is Associate Professor of International Health and the Director of Graduate
Studies in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Curtin University in Western Australia. A Social Scientist,
Medical Sociologist and Educator, Jaya holds a MA from SNDT Women's University, India. an Advanced
Certificate in Education from the University of Bath, UK and a PhD from Curtin University in Western
Australia. She has worked as an multi-disciplinary educator and research for 26 years in India, Kenya,
Uganda, Rwanda, East Timor and Australia. In 2010, She was awarded a National Award for University
Teaching by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. In 2013, She awarded a Fellowship of the
Public Health Association of Australia. Dr. Earnest is on the National Board of the Public Health
Association of Australia, and is also a Board Member of ISHAR-a multicultural women's health
organisation in Western Australia. Her central research interest focus on health inequalities, the social
determinates of health, post-conflict adversity on women and youth; refugee and migrant populations,
HIV and participatory research.
Prof. Hanna Westberg (Sweden) Associate Professor, has been, since 1980, specialising in research
on gender and gender mainstreaming in working life. She now works as a Consultant in the Innovation
System Triple Steelix in cooperation with research at Lulea Technical University, in the Division of
Gender, Technology and Organisation, She is also affiliated to the Department of Work Science,
University of Gothenburg to work in a project Gender, Health promotion in Working Life, which is Partner
Driven Cooperation, Sweden-India. Her Leadership and recent publications include articles on Gender
and Sustainable Growth. Gender Segregation and Equal Opportunity Work in Organisation and Gender
Segregation and Learning in Working Life.
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
Editorial Advisory Board
Prof . S. John Michael Raj is Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Bharathiar, Univeristy. He has published various
articles and books in scientific journals across the years. He is Ph. D. and M. Phil guide for the subject of
Psychology in Bharathiar University. His research interests are Motivational Dynamics, Personality orientations,
well being, cyber Psychology, counseling Psychology and Psychology od Marriage. He has served as sectional
president, Anthropological and behavioral Sciences of Indian Science Congress Association, Coimbatore
Chapter 2012-13. He is also counselor to the Defense Personnel and their family members at The Air Force
Hospital Coimbatore. Besides his academic achievements, he has fulfilled various administrative
responsibilities such as deanship of Social Sciences and of the College Development Council.
Dr. G. Y. Shitole is currently serving Principal of Balaji Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pune. He is
recipient of Best Teacher Award from Maharashtra Commerce Teachers Association in 2009, honored with
Best Author Award from Maharashtra Commerce Teachers Association in 2010 also with Best Teacher Award
from Government of Maharashtra on 5th September 2012. He has 42 years teaching experience. He has worked
as Lecturer, Reader and Professor at S.N.D.T. Women's University, Mumbai as well worked as Principal at
S.N.D.T. Arts and Commerce College for Women, at Karve Road, Pune. He has Guided around 30 students for
Ph. D. and 34 students for M. Phil. He has completed three minor Research Projects and one Major Research
Project funded by U. G. C. more than 8.50 lakhs. He
has a number of research papers published in reputed
International and National journals and has presented research papers at International and National forums .
Dr. Chandrika Raval, Professor in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Gujarat University Ahmedabad. She
has been awarded with many prizes while pursuing her education. She has been recipient of Chittashantiben
Diwanji Award for Social Work by Gujarat Stree Kelavani Mandal. She has an extensive teaching experience of
about 33 years in the field of sociology. Also published number of research papers in reputed International and
has Guided
National journals and has presented research papers at International and National forums. She
around 10 students for Ph. D., 45 students for M. Phil. and 75 M A students. She has been an active social
worker and conducting activities for the women, and orphan children by being actively collaborating with
various N G O's.
Dr Manjusha Molwane is working in the field of education since 1983, worked as Assistant professor, Associate
Professor, Food and Nutrition in Government college of Arts and Science Aurangabad, Later worked as Deputy
commissioner for Health and Nutrition in ICDS for state of Maharashtra, wherein various projects were taken
under public private partnership, for tribal region and the work done is published in Indian journal of Nutrition
and Dietetics. After this she worked as Joint Director of Higher education Mumbai region, many innovative
projects were conducted during her tenure. She is working as Member Secretary of Maharashtra state
commission for women since last 2 years. Commission works for women empowerment and upliftment, she
had organized International conference on Women trafficking
, National conference on NRI marriages and
trafficking and the third National conference on POCSO, Protection of children against sexual offences act 2012
and its implementation, also many activities other being conducted by commission.
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr Ram Sable is former Professor and HOD Dept. of Commerce & Dean Faculty of Commerce, S.N.D.T.
Women's University, Mumbai. He has teaching Experience of 35years and Academic Administration
Experience of 22 years. He is guiding Ph.D., M.Phil, Projects from 20 years.He has completed two major & two
minor Research Projects. He has participated and presented paper at International and national forums and
He has authored and edited more than 20 books.
published research papers and articles in leading journals.
He also worked as a referee for Ph.D. & M.Phil. for Institutes & Universities.
Dr. Kranti C. Gawali, is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology at Bhavan's College
,affiliated to University of Mumbai. Dr. Gawali has an extensive teaching experience of about 20 years in the
field and her subject expertise is in the area of Psychological Testing, Psychopathology, Leadership Qualities,
Emotional Intelligence,Career Counseling, Industrial and Organizational Behaviour
Development, and counselling and Family Therapy. With a focus to generate new knowledge and update the
existing , Dr.Kranti. Gawali has actively undertaken research on varied themes. She has a number of research
papers published in reputed International and National journals and has presented research papers at
International and National forums.She is a reviewer of research papers for the British Journal of Guidance and
Counselling. Dr.Gawali has contributed in field of research through her recommendations and suggestions as
a Member of the Institutional Ethics Committee(IEC) of reputed institutes including Raja Ramdeo Anandilal
Podar ,Ayurved Research Institute, Dept.of Ayush Ministry of Health,Government of India , Family Welfare
Research and Training Institute ,Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Government of India and Bhavan's
College ,Andheri west. Dr. Gawali is an active participant in several knowledge sharing International and
National forums such as conferences, seminars, workshops and symposiums organized by esteemed
institutions the like S.N.D.T, Women's University in collaboration with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs of Government
of India,and N.G Acharya college in collaboration with The Centre for International Strategic and Development
International Peer-Reviewed Journal
Page No.
Carbohydrate Intake Of Athletes And Their Performance In Coopers Test - Rita Patil And Kashyap
A Study Of Optimism Among Dating App Users In India - Cicilia Chettiar
Opinions Of Patidar And Other Backward Class Youth Regarding Reservation Policy - A Sociological
Study- Chandrika Raval
Need For Change In Reproductive Health Care System In India - Twinkle Sanghavi
The Future Challenges For Indian Education System - Shailaja Dhruva
Multiculturalism: Changing Social Identities - Ravindra Katyayan
Women's Vulnerability To Human Trafficking: The Role Of Poverty And Traditional Practices -
Manjusha Subhash Molwane
Challenges And Opportunities To Service Sector In India - Nilima Chintamani Bhagwat
Digital Age And Advertisement And Publicity Expenditure By Banks - Sunita Sharma
10. Technological Innovation In Indian Film Industry: Then And Now- Shaheen Khan
11. A Study On Potentials And Challenges Of Digital Marketing In Rural India - Snehal Obhan
12. A Study Of Aadhar Seeding In Public Distribution System: Expansion And Outreach - Zeba Shaikh
13. To Study And Analyze The Growth Story Of Aggregators Like Ola - Sharon Jude Samuel
14. Trade And Services - Vishal Acharya
15. Mice Tourism: Trends And Challenge - Preeta Joshi