International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Dr. Preeta Joshi*  
MICE is a part of Tourism Industry. It caters to various forms of Business Meeting, Conventions,  
Conference, Events and Exhibitions mostly used by Business Corporates and Associations. MICE  
is growing rigorously by welcoming the advancements in digital technology and using them. It  
has grown by 15 % to 20 % during the last 4 to 5 years along with generating employment and  
earning foreign exchange for the country. It has limitation for growth but the potential to make use  
of the technology in the business-related purpose cannot be ignored. By overcoming the flaws,  
MICE sector will be the foremost growing industry making use of digital technology. Present study  
describes the use and implementation of technology made by MICE Tourism Sector.  
Keywords : Meetings, conferences, exhibitions, convention, incentives, destination, digitisation,  
liberalisation, Itenery.  
Tourism is an entertaining, energizing and enriching activity for everyone. Earlier it was referred to  
increase cultural and historical dimensions; but as of today, it is regarded as the most powerful  
business activity for the economic development of a country. Tourism is the only industry, where the  
goods’ or ‘services’ are consumed at the site of production. It is paying rich dividends to both  
consumers and producers. MICE is not new to India, Archaeologist have found that ancient tribes  
also used to have specific gathering places to discuss many topics related to their kingdom, like war  
tactics, hunting plans, crop harvesting community celebrations, etc. ( Montgomery & Strick, 1995)  
After globalisation and Industrialisation of Business, MICE Segment has gained importance and  
MICE is a part of Tourism Industry. MICE is the fastest growing Tourism Industry in the globe. MICE  
stand for M – Meetings, I – Incentives, C - Conventions or Conference and E – Exhibitions or Events.  
It caters to various forms of Business Meetings, Conferences, Conventions, Events and Exhibitions.  
Mostly Business Corporate and Associations are the customers of MICE Tourism. The Corporates,  
Associations or Regional Chapters, organises Meetings for different reasons and deliberations.  
Incentives travels are the paid vacations given by the Companies or Associations majorly to their  
employees, suppliers, dealers, or distributors may be based on performances. Conferences or  
Conventions are the largescale gatherings organised by companies on specific topics. Similarly,  
Events and Exhibitions are huge gatherings organised by Corporates to display their products,  
services and technologies.  
Secondarily, MICE also handle family events, like weddings or sports events and contribute to the  
sector. Thus, MICE travel is basically business oriented. It covers all types of Industries, Sectors,  
Professionals and all types of Associations.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
To study new trends in MICE tourism sector.  
To study challenges ahead of MICE tourism.  
To give suggestions to develop the MICE sector so as to reach and involve the area beyond  
Research Methodology  
This topic is undertaken to study systematically the trends and challenges along with the use of  
digital technology in the MICE sector under tourism industry. Due to the technological advancements  
and liberalisation policy, the sector is growing annually by 25% to 30%. This study is descriptive and  
exploratory in nature.  
The study tries to find out the modified trends in MICE tourism and use of digital technology in MICE,  
for the economic growth. Efforts were taken to find out new ways and applicability for new market  
openings. The researcher also tried to find out new information and knowledge about MICE with  
respect to new policies, needs of customers, digitization, awareness, promotions and skills to use the  
The study is qualitative, as it is based on subjective concepts, attributes, technological skills,  
preferences and motives of the tour operators. Information gathered from visiting the tour operator’s  
office and the Out bound Tour Mart (OTM) Fair held at NESCO, Goregaon.  
MICE Contributions  
MICE sector is growing rigorously. It has registered a growth of 15-20% during the last 4-5 years and  
expected to grow at 7.5% in next 4-5 years ( Report by International Congress And Convention  
Association, ICCA) has generated employment from grass root level to top officials. It is the third  
largest foreign exchange earner. It is providing opportunities for economic diversification and skills  
upgrading. The Hospitality industry has accounted nearly 40 to 60 % of their revenue is generated by  
MICE segment. (Report by International Congress And Convention Association, ICCA)  
New Trends for Growth Positive points of MICE  
The new trends have resulted into growth of this ‘sunshine’ sector.  
The demand for the meetings, conferences, conventions, exhibitions, and events is increasing in  
all sectors along with corporate.  
The size and space of meetings is also changing. Innovative approach is used for the meetings  
which gives the space a special cozy look and different seating arrangements for different  
The advance technological means and methods are used for the meetings and events. Along  
with the use of LCD projector and Audio-visual tools, Apps are downloaded on smart phones,  
iPods, social and accessible mobile sites are used to plan and book the meeting and events.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
MICE planners work under Teams and plans for the customized package for the meetings or  
events or conference.  
As of today, due to the growing importance and impact of MICE segment, the corporate gives  
due weightage for special destinations. So, the planners are developing for exotic destinations.  
The government has allowed 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the tourism industry for  
Construction projects, development of Hotels, Resorts and Recreational facilities.  
Liberalisation Policy for Air transport, growing online travel portals, e-tourist visa etc. has made  
the entry process easy, leading to increase in the customer base.  
It has generated self-employment opportunities such as Event Manager, Financial Manager,  
Caterer, Guest Speakers, Translators, Logistics & Transportations, Computer & IT Experts,  
Technicians, Printers & Publishers, Photo & Videographers, Entertainers like – Emcees, Dancers,  
Comedians, Mimicry Artists, etc.  
Presently, Reliance Industries has set the largest convention centre in the heart of Mumbai,  
named “Dhirubhai Ambani International Convention & Exhibition Centre” at Bandra Kurla Complex.  
It is spread over 75000 Square meter area which is accommodating Retail space, Service  
Apartment and Hospitality facilities. Accor Hotels has launched an International Convention Centre  
in Jaipur. A Mega convention Centre is set to come up in Knowledge Park II in Greater Noida  
soon. Hyderabad International Convention Centre is at par with global standard. The common  
convention centre used in Bombay Exhibition & Convention Centre and Pragati Maiden in New  
Delhi are under renovation and makeover.  
As a result of these developments there is a sudden rise in new players in the Industry.  
Challenges Ahead of MICE  
Lack of Infrastructure, Amenities, Access and Connectivity  
Despite continuous efforts, our infrastructure has not improved that can be compared with  
neighbouring countries like, Dubai, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. Beyond the Metro  
cities, the facilities are not up to the mark. There is a need to bridge a last mile connectivity and  
give a boast to infrastructural development to see a rapid and healthy growth of the segments.  
Skill Development  
A major challenge for this industry is skill development and talent retention. MICE is a specialised  
business and so requires a lot of highly trained and skilled manpower which needs to be retained  
Marketing and Promotion  
There is a need of aggressive promotion and marketing of the destinations. It can be done with  
teaming up with Airlines, Hotels, Transport Companies, Cultural organizations, and travel agents  
to tap the MICE clients. The State and Central Government should work together for the promotions  
and marketing with planned budgets.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
New Destinations  
There is a need to develop additional convention destinations for small and large meetings.  
Searching for locations away from city environment, interesting spots, entertainment theme  
parks etc. along with providing finest conferencing facilities of international standard.  
Food and Catering services  
We need to develop the food and catering services to make the national as well as international  
food available easily for the foreign clients or participants.  
Government Regulations and Procedures  
We need to provide single window facilities for the processing of the documents of the events.  
Also, to have easy processing for getting local licenses and permissions for holding group  
events at hotels, resorts or at public places with safety and security.  
Safety and Security  
The State and Central Government needs to work together to have strict measures for the  
safety and security at the MICE destinations.  
Insurance Cover  
Irrespective of the security measures and proper planning, contingencies may happen. So, risk  
is always there. As a safety measure, the Business needs to have Insurance Cover for the  
meetings, events, along with the Business setup including all Assets and liabilities.  
Impact of GST  
With the implication of Goods and Service Tax (GST) all over the country, now the MICE  
segment is facing adverse effect on the business. It has resulted into high accommodation cost  
and restaurant cost. The industry is facing cancellations and reductions in business. So,  
simplifying and reducing the tax structure is the biggest challenge for the growth of this  
Tax rates should be reduced so that the total cost on the Client’s Itenery will reduce and encourage  
MICE tourism in the country.  
Proper Infrastructure is needed to be developed for better facilities and mode of transport along  
with providing basic amenities like power supply, drinking water, clean and well-maintained space.  
This will help to serve leisure purpose also.  
Till now Insurance cover for MICE tourism is not provided in India due to which Hoteliers are  
finding risk in organising MICE in their Hotels. Insurance protection will give them confidence and  
encourage organisation of MICE events.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
MICE segment has promoted and boasted the Corporate Sector by using new trends and digital  
techniques for the overall economic development of the Country. The potential for development of  
this industry due to use of digital technology is un comparable. This will reduce the cost and improves  
operations to tap the business. India is viewed as one of the fastest growing Economy. MICE, though  
a sub segment of Tourism Industry, but revolutionising the Business and Corporate World with highest  
foreign revenue generation.  
By overcoming the challenges and with help of digitalisation there is a lot of the possibility of increasing  
MICE into India. To sum up MICE acronym can be made as May India Convoke Energy to boost our  
economy and make MICE successful.  
Montgomery R. J. & Strick S. K. (1995). Mice Tourism in India: Forward Focus. Journal of Hospitality  
Applications and Research,4 (1)  
Report by International Congress And Convention Association, ICCA  
https://www.foxtrot.co.in – Importance of Technology in MICE Travel  
https://www.researchgate.net – Use of information and communication technology by Mice sector  
www.micemirrror.com –MICE events technology trends to watch in coming years  
www.bangkokpost.com mice going digital for industry edge  
https://www.tourism-review.com MICE Tourism: security, technology and experience Travel  
www.buyingbusinesstravel.com –How technology is changing the MICE Industry  
www.traveltrendstoday.in – MICE in India: untapped potential – Travel trends today  
Assistant Professor, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai  