International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Archana Choudhari  
*Manjusha Molwane  
To study the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus & Cardiac Diseases in Aurangabad district, 1000 samples  
were randomly selected in the age group of 30 to 60 years. From each block i.e. Taluka of Aurangabad  
district, 100 samples were selected for survey. Interview cum questionnaire method was used to collect  
general information. Secondary data regarding to study lipid profile and sugar levels, From this  
information factors affecting prevalence of Disease conditions were studied. From this available data  
the Disease affected samples were segregated and studied for their food habits, dietary pattern, medical  
history, type of work etc and their BMI was calculated. Study revealed that prevalence of Diabetes  
Mellitus & Cardiac Disease is more in 30-40 years age group which is attributed to increased junk food  
fast food consumption in this age group. Study also revealed that higher is the income group more  
is the prevalence of these disease. Also it was found that samples having BMI between 25-29 had  
shown more percentage of Diseases. People consuming non-vegetarian foods, junk foods & fast foods  
more than thrice per week had shown more percentage of Cardiac Disease & Diabetes Mellitus, people  
who were eating non-vegetarian foods thrice in week did not show more prevalence of Diabetes. Type  
of work had shown no influence on prevalence of these diseases.  
Key Words : Aurangabad, BMI, Diabetes, Mellitus, Cardiac, Prevalence, Lipid, Profile  
Introduction :-  
Now days because of changing life style and consumption of junk foods many diseases enter in the  
human life at different stages of life cycle. Today’s Indian population is 1326801576. As per the WHO  
report (1998) 25% of urban and 10% rural population is suffering from Hypertension and other Cardiac  
disease. Diabetes population is increased from 50.8 Million(2010) to 65 Million (2016). Recent reports  
have confirmed that in south Asians, increasing obesity is primarily driven by nutrition, life style,  
increasingly faulty diets and physical inactivity.  
Prevalence of diabetes and pre diabetes in India, has been reported 31.7 Million in 2000 and 62.4  
Million in 2011. Whereas number of pre diabetics have increased to 77.2 Million. This data suggests  
not only the need of study of prevalence but also the methods of educating population in this regard.  
Present study was undertaken to study prevalence and factors affecting prevalence of these diseases  
in Aurangabad Districts in Marathwada province, which is socio – economically, backward part of State  
of Maharashtra.  
Methodology :-  
Random sampling method was used to collect 1000 representative samples in the age group 13-60  
years. Out of which 50% samples were male and 50% were female. Aurangabad district has 9 Talukas  
blocks). Hence 100 samples were selected from each taluka and 200 samples were selected from  
Aurangabad urban area.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Out of 1000 samples those who were suffering from disease conditions were segregated and their  
blood reports were collected from them. This was a secondary data collection. An additional  
questionnaire was prepared to implement on disease affected (person) samples. They were interviewed  
for their food habits, dietary pattern, medical history, type of work and distance of workplace etc. The  
data was collected by questionnaire cum interview method. Body Mass Index (BMI)was calculated  
and Blood Pressure readings were taken for these selected samples. The Study was limited to  
Aurangabad District only.  
Result and Discussion :-  
Prevalence of obesity is more than Hypertension or diabetes. This prevalence may be attributed to  
changing scenario of life style, lack of activities and consumption of ready to eat foods. Prevalence  
Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac disease amongst 1000 samples studied is tabulated in following table.  
Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Disease as affected by age  
Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages.  
Figures outside the parenthesis is absolute number.  
When the data was analyzed using Chi square test the results showed that age group affects prevalence  
of Diabetes Mellitus significantly. As far as Diabetes Mellitus is concerned it is observed that in the  
range of 30-40 years of the studied sample the percentage is more than that of any other age group.  
Data clearly indicates that prevalence of type two diabetes is more common which may be attributed  
to sedentary and comfort leaving life style of people. Also it may be due to the fact that people in this  
age group are not yet aware that exercise consumes energy and hence exercise is necessary to keep  
diabetes in control. Maximum percentage of diabetes mellitus is found in 30-40 years age. During this  
age boys and girls start working. They are independent and eating food outside is very common. Also  
this relaxing life style with improper dietary habits and lack of exercise may be the cause for the same.  
One important point was noted that the percentage of both the diseases was less when people are  
more than 60 years of age, which may be due to health awareness amongst them.  
Seema Kaveeshwar (2014) in her study reported that the percentage of Diabetes is 12.1%. Whereas a  
study by Sampatti etal (2009) showed that in rural area of Marathwada Hypertension was profound in  
.24% population.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Table - 2  
Effect of Type Of Work On Disease Conditions  
Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages.  
Figures outside the parenthesis is absolute number.  
Data in table no.2 indicates that there is no significant difference in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus  
and cardiac disease as far as occupation is concerned. This is very important observation in the samples  
studied. It does not have any special effect on their health aspects. This is contradictory to many  
researches carried out in corporate sectors. This result of this survey may be due to the fact that private  
sector considered in this study are services in non-government sector, small scale industries, shops  
etc. It is also important to note that, in private sectors awareness about lunch time, rest time is increasing.  
As far as businessmen(Shopkeeper) are concerned they may be sitting at their counters for extended  
periods of time. The frequency of drinking tea and eating fried food is also higher in these people. Also  
there is no mobility of the body during their work hours which may be attributed to increased obesity  
and diabetes mellitus.  
Figure 1: Role of Family Income in Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and cardiac disease  
This has been proven fact that with the increasing income of family disease like obesity Diabetes  
mellitus and cardiac diseases increase. Results of this survey are also incoherence with studies  
conducted else were.  
Table - 3  
Classification of Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Disease as per BMI  
Figures in parenthesis indicate percentages.  
Figures outside the parenthesis is absolute number.  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Body Mass Index is an important criteria to determine the status of obesity. In the present study it was  
found that out of 140 samples of Diabetes Mellitus 65 (46.42%) people were having BMI in the range of  
5-29, whereas out of 100 patients of cardiac disease 50 were found in the obesity grade. Results of  
this study is similar to the study conducted by H.E Bays and RH Chapman ( 2007).  
Figure 2: Frequency of Consumption Foods responsible to cause Cardiac diseases  
Figure 3: Frequency of Consumption Foods responsible to increase Diabetes Mellitus  
Figure 2 & 3 explain about dietary habits and its relevance to the disease conditions. People who are  
consuming fried foods, bakery foods and junk foods thrice a week have been found to suffer from  
Diabetes Mellitus. Consuming non vegetarian food did not show increase in the percentage of Diabetes  
Mellitus , this may be attributed to high protein content in non vegetarian food.  
Consumption of fried foods, fast foods and non vegetarian foods thrice in a week is found to increase  
prevalence of cardiac diseases in selected samples, This may be attributed to saturated fats in non  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
vegetarian foods. In some samples consumption of non vegetarian foods once or twice in a week  
resulted into higher prevalence, this could be due to quantity of Non vegetarian foods consumed.  
Percentage of diabetes mellitus and cardiac disease in the age group of 30-40 years is 28.57 % and  
0% respectively. Percentage of these diseases is less in the age group of people above 60 years of  
Occupation did not show significant difference in the prevalence of cardiac disease and diabetes  
mellitus. This may be due to type of private sector services of samples selected. Rather samples who  
were government servants showed more prevalence of disease condition.  
Families having income more than 3 lakh per month have shown prevalence of 50% Diabetes Mellitus  
and 40% of Cardiac Disease.  
Higher is the Body Mass Index higher is the risk of diseases like Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Diseases.  
It is found that when BMI is between 25- 29.9 the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus was 46 % and that of  
0 % of cardiac disease.  
Those samples who were consuming junk foods, fast foods , sweets, non vegetarian, fried foods etc.  
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Research Scholar, Dept. of Home Science, Govt. College of Art & Science, Aurangabad.  
*HOD. Dept. of Home Science, Govt. College of Art & Science, Aurangabad.  