Magazine 2017
ISSN 2229-385X  
VOL-7 SEPT. 2017  
by NAAC with  
'A' Grade  
A Multi-disciplinary, Multi-Lingual Annual Publication By :  
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For Research Papers : [email protected]  
Now Indexed in  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
ISSN 2229-385X  
VOL. 7, SEPT. 2017  
Dr. Harshada Rathod  
Prof. Vibhuti Patel  
International Indian  
Dr. Poornima Madhavan  
Dr. Anita Kapoor  
Prof. Justin Paul  
Penn Kemp  
Prof. Alice Clark  
Dr. Jaya Earnest  
Prof. Hanna Westberg  
Dr. Saoko Funada  
Editorial Review Board  
Dr. Pawan Agarwal  
Dr. Usha Upadhyay  
Dr. Anuradha Sovani  
Dr. Sanjay Kaptan  
Dr. Cicilia Chettiar - Executive Editor  
Dr. Sejal Shah - Member  
Dr. Ravindra Katyayan - Member  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
Teaching and Research are found to be inseparable and mutually supportive to each other. Research makes  
learners achievement oriented. Every professor is to act like a scientist, in search of new knowledge. They  
should be encouraged to build a research team consisting of UG and PG students along with lab assistants.  
Institutions must change their culture in favour of research. Research brings more money, more endowments,  
nameandfamefor institution.  
Research and Education are like two ends of a bow. The arrow does not move forward unless the two ends of  
the bow are tightly tied together by a string. Neither end has a force without the support of other. An institution  
needs to bind the two ends together, namely education and research to provide quality education. There is a  
saying that Research and Innovation plays important role in improving the quality of teacher educators.  
Though research is not limited to scholars or academicians, it is scholarly activity and not so simple.  
Researchers require certain skills, capacities, competencies which will be built in teacher educators.  
Research can be used as a tool for personality development. Marityn Chochran from U.K. in 2007 identified  
four metaphors for research in the context of teacher education such as Research as a weapon, Research as  
warranty, Research as Foundation and Research as a Stance. Thus research capacity building creates a  
culture to enhance professional practice in teacher educators which contributes to enhance professionalism  
of teacher.  
It is necessary to develop a research attitude among the teachers. There are various ways for developing  
research attitude e.g. through research degrees, publishing research papers, research articles, organizing  
various seminars, conferences, refresher course, workshops etc. One is to write research papers and articles  
topublish thesein various nationalandinternationalresearchjournals.  
From a study conducted in the U.K., Swan and Brown (1999) found that authors tended to consider firstly the  
reputation of the journal by using the impact factor, followed by international reach and coverage by  
abstracting and indexing services. They also found that scientists are much more concerned about the  
availability of anelectronicversion of thejournalthanareworkers in thearts.  
It is extremely important to create opportunities for mentoring of researchers by senior scholars from India and  
abroad through discussions / participation in conferences in India and abroad. To discuss new ideas and  
discover fresh perspectives in existing and past issues, it is essential that research institutes and higher  
education institutions, in collaboration with certain policy think tank organize discussion forums and  
conferences. Such events always foster knowledge exchange and allow research culture to be fostered, since  
research papers and empirical analyses are share and disseminated. It also allows free-flow of questioning  
and critique of concepts which enhance research quality of potential researchers. Keeping these points in  
mind, some of the research papers presented in our college during the International Conference on 'Tourism'  
and 2 International Conference on Humanities and Sciences on 'Emerging Trends in Multiculturalism' at Bali-  
Indonesiahavebeenincludedin this journal.  
We extend our gratitude towards the research paper contributors, our panel of Experts, Senior Editor, Editorial  
and Advisory Board and Managing Editorial Team. We congratulate the contributors of papers / articles for  
passing throughthetestof editorial reviewboard.  
We are thankful to Shri. Chandrasen Merchant for generously supporting us financially for last fourteen years.  
Without this moral support and active encouragement, it would not be possible for our team to bring out such  
an intellectually enriching publication. We specially thank our Managing Trustees and other members for  
being constantsourceof motivationfor us.  
With warm regards  
Yours truly,  
Dr. Harshada Rathod (Principal)  
Chief Editor (Research Horizons)  
International Peer-Reviewed Journal  
From Senior Editor’s Desk  
Dear Reader,  
Tremendous response to Research Horizon in terms of readership, contributors of articles, impact  
factor gives us great sense of fulfillment. As Editorial Team we feel rewarded for our hard work to  
maintain variety of thematic areas and academic quality of submitted articles. We are thankful to our  
expertsfor giving helpfulsuggestions toauthorsaftermeticulousstudyof theirarticles.  
This issue of Research Horizon covers frontline issues in finance and commerce, public economics  
withrespecttosmartversus safe cities, budgetaryallocationsandsocial infrastructure.  
Articles in English, Gujarati and Hindi literature discuss the legendary and contemporary films and  
literary creations that encompass wide range of issues, from multiculturalism and globalization,  
Two articlesinFood andNutritiondiscuss FruitIntakeandits effectonBMI of working women  
And Culinary Culture Creations in Bali: Making the Recognition Concept Work Rather Than Merely  
Debating theBenefitSharing Concept.  
Articles on legal aspect critically reflect on the influence of multiculturalism in the tradition of contract  
from the private law perspective and incorporating the concept of sustainable tourism into legislations  
and regulationsInIndonesia.  
Articles by psychologists deal with effect of spirituality on sexual attitudes & sexual guilt, the impact of  
gender, age and work tenure on psychological capital and a review of the psychological, social and  
spiritual benefitsof tourism.  
Rich repository of contemporary debates is captured by articles by sociologists who bring to the fore  
women's political voice- feminist interventions in political science research methods, medical tourism:  
with special reference to fertility tourism and surrogacy, women's labour a highlight of poverty tourism,  
factors contributing to the harmonious crossed-marriage between the Balinese and the Chinese in Bali,  
oral tradition as a method of transmission Sumba traditional weaving knowledge and the social practice  
of halaltourism-based religiosity valueof Panchasilain thecommunity.  
We request our readers to introduce Research Horizon (its soft copy can be accessed on the website to their academic circles, and encourage them to contribute original and  
researchbased articlesfor publication in ResearchHorizon.  
Yours faithfully,  
Prof. Vibhuti Patel  
Senior Editor (Research Horizons)  